Knowing the Most Clicked Links with the Heatmap Report

Here you’ll learn how to understand the most clicked links in an email you send to a recipient. There are 2 features that can facilitate this, the first is through the CTR (Click-through-rate) report and the Heatmap.

If you want to understand more about CTR, you can read it here. Here you will learn about the Heatmap report.

What is a Heatmap?

In summary, this email report heatmap will assist you in visualizing which links are the most clicked on in emails sent to recipients. There will show which areas are the most clicked based on the most popular links that are most clicked by the user.

How does it work?

Heatmaps work based on links. As mentioned earlier, heatmaps display a visual of the most clicked links in a single email. If you access the Heatmap feature, a bubble will appear on each link, if a recipient clicks. The more recipients who click on a link, the color bubble will change and the percentage will increase.

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