Deletes a Contact in the Form

In this article you will learn how to delete contacts from Form. We assume if you don’t have a subscriber yet. Then you need to create a form (to make a form read here [ After you share the Form, someone will fill it out. Then the email contact will be filled in report Form and will automatically enter the Contact Book menu. But one day, you want to delete it. How to do it?

  1. Enter the Form menu.
  2. Select the Form that you are using, then click Report.
  3. Select the contact you want to delete, then click delete.

What if you delete it via Contact Book directly?

Email contacts that have entered into the Contact Book and then deleted manually, cannot register again because the email data is still in one of the Forms. Generally an error message will appear when someone fills out the form again. The solution, by removing the contact must go through report Form. After that, if you really want to delete it, then you delete it through the Contact Book.

What if I have deleted it in the Report Form, but the email contact in the Contact Book is still there?

The email will be deemed deleted in one of the report Forms but if the email fills out a new Form, the email will automatically be updated with the latest info.

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