How to Delete Contacts and Labels

Sometimes, you have to delete email contacts. Whether it’s because the email subscriber is inactive, or even the email contact that has been damaged or hard bounce. This needs to be done so that e-mail contacts are neater and delivery is sent to all contacts. But if you want to delete the contact on the email contact that is still active, we don’t recommend it and it’s quite unfortunate.

Why? Something you need to consider when deleting an e-mail contact is when you delete an e-mail contact from your account, then the e-mail contact will disappear permanently and cannot be restored. All information on the e-mail contact will be lost. Of course this will be very unfortunate.

So, what should I do? Instead of deleting contacts, it would be better if you update existing contact data. Suppose you add a new field to your existing email contact. Or if you want to update a large amount of contact data, import the data. If you find import data on the same email data, then the data is updated according to the latest data available on that contact.

It will be more effective to focus on existing email contacts rather than having to delete them, each email contact has information and to collect email contacts requires effort. So for those of you who want to delete email contacts, consider updating email contacts rather than deleting them.

But if you still want to delete the email contact, make sure to export contacts. To export contacts, you can read here. After that, you can delete the contact. Follow these steps:

Delete Contacts

To delete contacts from the MTARGET system, there are several ways that can be done.

  1. By manually selecting the contact you want to delete

You can delete contacts manually by:

  • Enter the Contact Book menu, then check the contact you want to delete.

Note: There is a Select All option, it can be used to delete contacts.

  • After the contact you want to delete has been checked, a red button Delete Contact will appear at the top. Click the button and contact will be automatically deleted.
  1. Through the Label

The second way to delete contacts is to select the label first if the contact you want to delete has the same label.

  • Enter the Contact Book menu, then in the Filter section select the desired label and Apply.

  • After the contact you want to delete has been checked, a red button Delete Contact will appear at the top. Click the button and contact will be automatically deleted.

Delete All Contacts

To delete all existing contacts from the MTARGET system, you can check all contacts, then the Delete Contact button option will appear on the top right side. Click the button and all contacts will be deleted.

How to Delete Hard Bounce Contacts

Hard bounce contacts are contacts that are usually permanently damaged. It can be due to incorrect writing, an email address that has not been used, or an email address does not exist. Here’s how to remove hard bounce contacts.

  1. Go to the Contact Book menu, in the Filter label section, select the Advance Filter icon.

  2. After that, a modal will appear containing contact status information, select and check Hard Bounce, then click the Apply Filter button.

  3. If it is checked, a list of contacts including hard bounces will appear, after that you can check all contacts, then click the red Delete Contact button. Click the button, the contact will be deleted.

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