Page integration with Disqus

If you want to make the Page more interactive, you can try adding the Disqus component. Through the Disqus component, you can add a comment section to the Page that was created. So if you need * feedback * on the content posted on Page, the Disqus component is the answer.

Before starting, make sure you have a Disqus account first. Because Disqus account is needed later for integration with Page. There are different settings for activating a Disqus account so that it can be used on Page. Here are the steps:

  1. Register first at
  2. After completing it, you will be instructed to verify the account first.
  3. If you have verified your account, go to your dashboard. Then select Installing Disqus.

  1. Select the option at the bottom.

  1. Ignore the existing code, because you will only need the name you registered to install Disqus (different from the username). Complete the installation process.

  2. If you have completed the installation process, you will be taken to the dashboard. After that, follow as in the picture below. There is a name like the one in the picture that will be used as a shortname, which will be copied to the Disqus Integration column.

After finishing with Disqus account, it’s time to go to your MTARGET account. It’s time to activate the Disqus Integration settings.

  1. Enter the Page menu, then click Analytic & Domain.
  2. After entering the menu Custom Domain & Page Integration, select Page Integration.
  3. At the bottom, activate Disqus Integration. Fill in the column with the shortname that you have created in the Disqus account. Then Save Changes.

Now your Disqus account has been integrated with the Page feature. You can now try to add the Disqus component.

  1. Enter the Page menu, then Create Page.
  2. Select the Page template you want to use.
  3. Add the Disqus component.

  1. Wait for Disqus to prepare it, and your Disqus comment page is active. Next Publish Page.

Now the page you created has a comment section that has been integrated with Disqus.

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