Style on Form, & Components and Integration on Landing Page

New update 28 Nov 2019

Crisp Integration on Landing Page

This new feature is able to add Crisp, one of the live chat tools to make you faster in responding to anyone who wants to ask something on your landing page. Crisp can be a new alternative to a contact person or contact person for those of you who want to create an event using a landing page, or can be a customer service for your customers who want to ask or discuss issues related to your brand or company.

Disqus Component on Landing Page

Disqus or comment system services in cyberspace can now be integrated on your landing page. Disqus can be a means of discussion for visitors with you as an admin, to create good interaction and feedback from visitors.

Layout Form

The Form Layout feature in the Form Settings has now added its latest improvement in the form of more varied layouts. Layout form can be made horizontally and vertically, which certainly can make the appearance of your landing page more varied and interesting.

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