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Basic Tutorial - Contact Field
Basic Tutorial - Contact Field
Written by Support Mailtarget
Updated over a month ago

In the Contact Book, you can add fields according to your needs and desires. For example, you can add fields such as “hobbies" or “favorite foods” to better understand the needs of your customers. Therefore, this Contact Field will contain personal data that enters the Contact Book. So, if at any time you want to send an email including this data, you only need to use a format like this "{Contact Field name}". Automatically, the data will be included according to the data from each subscriber's Contact Field.

In the Contact Field menu, you can see all the fields you have created and also the default fields from MTARGET that you can also use. If you want to create your own field, there are several steps to follow:

  1. Select Add Field button

  2. Enter Field Name:

    1. Use only letters, numbers and underscores (_)

    2. Start with a letter and avoid numbers or underscores at the beginning

    3. Do not use reserved keywords such as `address`, `email`, `if`, etc.

  3. Select Field Type:

    • Choose from the following options:
      - TEXT: For free text
      - EMAIL: For email address
      - NUMBER: For numbers
      - DATE: For date
      - CHOICE: For selection from the specified list

  4. Click Save.

Naming Limitations:

  • Allowed Characters: Use letters, numbers and underscores.

  • Start with a Letter: Must not start with a number or special character.

  • Reserved Keywords:

    • Do not use the following reserved keywords as they are system-defined:

      • address

      • email

      • email_id

      • env_from

      • return_path

      • and, break, do, else, elseif, end

      • false, for, function, if, local, nil

      • not, or, each, return, then, true, until, while

  • If there is an existing field that does not comply with the rules, you can only delete it and re-import it with a new field

Then, your Custom Field is formed with a Template Tag. To make sure the field has been added, you can see it through Add Contact or through Toggle Columns.

NOTE: Custom Field can be changed, but Tag cannot. So if you can change the Custom Field, the Tag will not change and will remain the same as the name you used the first time in the Custom Field.

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