To integrate Mailtarget to your applications, websites, or systems with email functionality using C# is easy.
All calls to the API need to start with the appropriate base URL:
Mailtarget production |
Here’s the basic code, copy and paste the C# command below into your terminal, you can customize the content according to your needs.
Variable | Descriptions |
API_KEY | API Key in dashboard |
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "");
request.Headers.Add("accept", "application/json");
request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer API_KEY");
var content = new StringContent('{
"bodyText": "Congratulation, you just sent email with Mailtarget. You are truly awesome!",
"bodyHtml": "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><title>Hello from Mailtarget</title></head><body><p>Congratulation, you just sent email with Mailtarget. You are truly awesome!</p></body></html>",
"from": {
"email": "SENDER_EMAIL",
"name": "SENDER_NAME"
"subject": "Hello from Mailtarget",
"to": [
"replyTo": [
"cc": [
"bcc": [
"headers": [
"name": "",
"value": ""
"attachments": [
"mimeType": "image/png",
"filename": "FILE_NAME.png",
"metadata": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2",
}', null, "application/json");
request.Content = content;
var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());
Note :
API_KEY → change with API Key
SENDER_EMAIL → change with sender email
SENDER_NAME → change with sender name
RECIPIENT_EMAIL → change with recipient email
RECIPIENT_NAME → change with recipient name
TEMPLATE_ID → change with template ID