Update September 29, 2017
List View Location on Report
We have added a new feature to the email marketing report. You can now view the locations of your email subscribers in a list format, sorted by cities with the most reading activity.
Shortcode on Text Component
You can now easily add tags to the text component when composing emails. Just press the Shortcode button and select the tag you want to display. There are 4 types of tags you can choose from:
Fullname {fullname}: This tag displays the full name of the recipient.
First Name {firstname}: This tag displays the first name of the recipient.
Last Name {lastname}: This tag displays the last name of the recipient.
Company {company}: This tag displays the company name of the recipient.
Add Choices to Label
You can now use multiple choices and checkboxes in forms to group users based on their responses.
Captcha on Form
Google Captcha is now available for forms to protect against spammers. You can add Google Captcha through the Form Setting in the Captcha section.
Delete Response on Report Form
You can now delete responses in the Report Form, preventing empty responses from reducing your response quota.
Custom Permalink on Page
You can customize permalinks when creating a Page. Adjust the permalink in the Page Configuration and save.
Duplicate Page, Form, and Automation
You can now duplicate Pages, Forms, and Automation, similar to the functionality available in Email Marketing.