Welcome to Mailtarget sandbox, to start sending emails, please follow the steps below:
Add authorized recipients
Add the authorized recipients permitted to receive testing emails. After you add the authorized recipients, their status will remain unverified. The recipients must verify their authorization through the email sent to them.
Verify authorized recipients by clicking the "Give Consent" button in the email.
Sending email using the API, SDK or SMTP with Postman or directly with your application
You can start sending email with our sandbox environment using the API, SDK or SMTP. You can try using the script code provided in the documentation below:
Sending email using API
curl --location 'https://transmission.mailtarget.co/v1/layang/transmissions' \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY' \
--data-raw '{
"bodyText": "Congratulation, you just sent email with Mailtarget. You are truly awesome!",
"bodyHtml": "<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"><title>Body HTML</title></head><body><p>Congratulation, you just sent email with Mailtarget. You are truly awesome!</p></body></html>",
"from": {
"email": "SENDER_EMAIL",
"name": "SENDER_NAME"
"subject": "Hello from Mailtarget",
"to": [
"replyTo": [
"cc": [
"bcc": [
}'Note :
API_KEY → change with API Key
SENDER_EMAIL → change with sender email
SENDER_NAME → change with sender name
RECIPIENT_EMAIL → change with recipient email
RECIPIENT_NAME → change with recipient name
Sending email using SDK
Follow the configuration steps in README.md file in our SDK below:
Sending email using SMTP
Run this on your terminal using swaks:
swaks --to RECIPIENT_EMAIL \
--from [email protected] \
--auth [email protected] \
--auth-password=API Key \
--server smtp-sandbox.mtrgt.net:587 \
--h-Subject: "Hello from Mailtarget" \
--body 'Congratulation, you just sent email with Mailtarget. You are truly awesome!' \
Check Activity menu to view the results
Based on the example delivery activity above, the status "Injection" means the email has been successfully relayed to Mailtarget, and the status "Delivery" means the email has been successfully sent to the recipient's server.
Congratulations! You have successfully sent an email using Mailtarget!