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Mailtarget Usage Monitoring
Written by Support Mailtarget
Updated over 2 months ago

Usage Monitoring in Mailtarget is the process of tracking email usage and analyzing how your Mailtarget account is being used.

In this menu, you will find out several existing features, such as:

  • Current plan including email quota or balance credit information

  • Email usage information

  • Alert or reminder in app when the usage reach certain threshold

To find out what's in this menu, you can access the user profile in the top right then click Usage Monitoring menu.

After you enter the usage monitoring menu, it will be displayed as mentioned before about existing features.

  • Current plan

    This section contains information about the subscription plan that you have taken. If you have questions regarding this, you can click Contact us

  • Data usage

    This section contains information about your email usage every month, the total email quota you have, the usage percentage and the period your package can be used. Please note that if your quota usage has reached the limit, you cannot send emails anymore, you can upgrade by clicking the Contact us to upgrade button

  • Email Usage

    This section contains information about your email sending everyday, the information is displayed in a graph that you can filter according to your needs

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