Using Media in WhatsApp Messages

Here you will learn about everything you need to know about using Media in WhatsApp Messages

WhatsApp Media

Yere you can enrich the content of your WhatsApp message by including a header that contains files in the form of images, videos to documents. So you can send messages and files at the same time like this sample message.

Here are the types of media you can embed:

  1. Images (.jpg or .png).
  2. Document (.pdf).
  3. Videos (.mp4).

The maximum file size you can send is 16mb.

How to use?

  1. Create a message template first
  2. When creating a message template, there will be an option if you want to include files. Select the files you want to include. The file type you select here cannot be changed after the message template has been approved.

  1. If the message template has been successfully created, proceed to Compose.
  2. On the Compose page, in the right pane a section will appear for adding files in the form of links.

You can use links from any source as long as the format is appropriate. So if you save the file in Asset Manager, then simply go to Asset Manager then copy link then paste the file link.

Note: For documents (.pdf), the file name will follow the specific name in the link.

  1. If all is clear, then proceed to sending WhatsApp messages.
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