How to Edit Ticket and Payment Emails

In this article you will learn about editing emails on tickets and participant payments. Here are the steps:

  1. Enter the ‘Email Configuration’ menu.
  2. You will find info about e-mail for tickets and payment as in the image below

You can see a preview of an e-mail and also edit it. You can also use templates from transactional emails if you have them.

  1. Click the ‘Edit’ button to edit the contents of the email.
  2. You will enter compose email to edit the contents of the email.

Here are some key functions in email compose:

  • Custom Code: Contains tag fields that you can attach according to the participant’s personal data, such as first name, event name, email address and others.
  • Preview: To see how the email will be sent.
  • Save: To save the email format that you have edited.

To edit the email text, there is a dropdown button on the right side to increase and decrease the order of the text, also delete the text.

** Note: ** This email is based on transactional email, so you can only send text e-mails without images.

  1. When finished, click the ‘Save’ button.
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