How to integrate with Snapchat (Snap Pixel)

In this article you will learn how to integrate your website, with Snap Pixel. Snap Pixel is a feature that allows you to track all visitor pages that you will integrate with Snap Ads.

Make sure you already have a website, and you already have a Snap Pixel account. Follow the steps below to prepare it:

Enabling Pixel Tracking

Here you will first activate Pixel Tracking so that Pixel can retrieve visitor data accessing your Ads. Please note because if this setting is not activated, then Snap Pixel will not track incoming conversions.

  1. If you don’t have a Snapchat Ads account, create an account here.
  2. Click the menu in the top corner and select ‘Manage Ads’
  3. Select the Ads that you want to track conversions.
  4. Select ‘Edit’ and switch the Snap Pixel option to ‘Attached’

Activating Pixels

  1. When you enter the dashboard click the ‘Create Ads’ dropdown, then select ‘Snap Pixel’.
  2. Here will later bring up your domain that has been successfully integrated. Now click the ‘Manage Pixel’ button then select ‘Set up pixel’.
  3. Here you only need Pixel ID. Copy the Pixel ID.
  4. Return to your MTARGET account, then enter the ‘Integration’ menu. Select ‘Snap Pixel’ then click the ‘View Details’ button.
  5. The Pixel ID code that you copied earlier, will be paste in this integration column. Click the ‘Update’ button then paste Pixel ID, click ‘Save’.
  6. After successfully installed, your website will later be installed tracker audience that visits your website. Like the picture below:

If you want to make sure that Snap Pixel has been installed correctly, then you need to download the ‘Snap Pixel Helper’ extension in the browser you are using to check whether the Snap Pixel tracker is installed correctly.

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