Overview Template Manager

The Template menu is containing your own templates you have ever created. All the templates you create will be neatly arranged in this menu.

There are two areas on MTARGET Template page:

  1. Navigation and Action
  2. Area List template

There are some sub-areas on navigation and action area:

  1. Page Title
    This page shows the title of your current page, according to the page that you visit at current time.

  2. Breadcrumbs
    You are able to use breadcrumbs navigation to back dashboard.

  3. Manage Category
    You are able to manage category for the template.

  4. Create Template
    You can use to create email, page and template form.

List Area Template

In the area of template list manager is displayed a list of templates that are sorted based on the latest template ever created. The template list manager list will display the last 10 templates you created.

You can also filter the templates you own, so template email searching is easier. You can filter templates based on labels from those templates.

Make sure you give label in each file that stored in File Manager to make it easier for you to perform file management.

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